Answered By: Learning Engagement Last Updated: Jan 31, 2025 Views: 671
An Article Processing Charge (APC) is the fee to publish in some open access journals. (Not all open access journals or publishers charge a fee to publish an article.) Some departments and the Provost office have assisted faculty with APCs in the past, but that is no longer the case.
Assistance with APC fees: The University Libraries have an agreement with publishers to waive APCs in certain journals they publish. To take advantage of these fee waivers, the corresponding author must identify their affiliation with Texas State University. Normally after an article is accepted for publication, a fee waiver will be presented to the corresponding author. However, some publishers may present the waiver or voucher at an earlier point in the submission process. Currently, we have agreements with the publishers listed below.
- American Society for Microbiology: Agreement years 1/2025-indefinite. No APCs and no publishing caps for publishing OA in these subscription based journals
- Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy®
- Applied and Environmental Microbiology®
- Infection and Immunity®
- Journal of Bacteriology®
- Journal of Clinical Microbiology®
- Journal of Virology®
Does not include Page charge and supplemental material fees: 25% discount for authors at subscribing institutions.
- Cambridge University Press: Fill out their Open Access Waivers and Discounts form, entering "United States" and "Texas State University", to get a list of all the journals covered.
- Company of Biologists Our agreement allows the designated corresponding author (multiple corresponding authors are allowed, but the submission and production systems only allow a single author to be the corresponding author) when submitting the manuscript to publish without APC charge immediately open access under CC BY Version 4.0 Version of Record article in the following journals: Development, Journal of Cell, Journal of Experimental Biology, Disease Models & Mechanisms, Biology Open.
- Emerald: Agreement years 1/2025-12/2027. Our capped** agreement with the SCELC consortium covers 100% of APC fees for these hybrid journals and a 5% discount for publishig in these Gold OA journals. See more information here.
- Elsevier: Our agreement offers a 15% discount on APC for Gold OA titles and 10% for Hybrid. Our Elsevier Subscription Agreement states that according to Schedule 3, Elsevier-Gold and Hybrid Open Access Pilot for TLCUA Member University:
- "The single author who manages the publication process for an article from submission to post acceptance and corresponds with the Publisher on the same that is Corresponding authors affiliated with the [TLCUA Member University] ("Institution") shall be referred to as "Corresponding Author(s)" and are each granted the right during the term of the Agreement, as part of an Open Access Pilot ("Pilot"), to submit articles to any eligible journal title published by Elsevier, and if accepted for publication, to publish the article open access subject to a 15% (fifteen) discount on the article published charge ("APC") for Gold core Elsevier journals and a 10% (ten) discount on the APC for Hybrid core Elsevier journals, based on the then current list price set forth at Eligible titles include Elsevier-owned hybrid and fully gold journals, with the exception of Cell Press and The Lancet, and certain society titles. In certain limited cases the eligible titles may be subject to change, for example where Elsevier launches new fully gold open access journals that will be eligible for the Pilot or where titles transfer to another publisher and will no longer be eligible."
- IOP Publishing: Agreement years 1/2023-12/2025. Unlimited OA. In addition to research articles, letters, papers, reviews, and special issue articles are all eligible. Click "Select Institution" and choose "Texas State University (US)" to view journal list. This transformative agreement excludes American Astronomical Society Journals and Hybrid Society titles.
- IWA Publishing: Agreement years 1/2025-12/2027. To qualify for the full Open Access waiver during the submission process, please ensure that you are listed on your article as the corresponding authors and that you include your full institutional affiliation and associated e-mail address. We strongly recommend that you read our institutional waivers guidelines to ensure the waiver is applied.
- Oxford UP: Agreement years 1/2025-12/2027. Unlimited OA publishing in hybrid journals, 10% discount for Gold journals (fully open)
- Royal Society of Chemistry: Agreement Years 1/2025-12/2027. Unlimited fee waivers for publishing in all hybrid journals. Click "Select Institution" and choose "Texas State University (US)" to view journal list.
- Springer, Palgrave, academic nature journals, Adis: Agreement years 1/2025-12/2028. Springer is included in the Read & Publish agreement, and includes all hybrid journals, 100% APCs paid, but there is a cap**. More Info:
- Wiley: Our agreement with Wiley provides fee waivers for primary research and review articles in hybrid journals, but does not cover Gold Open Access Journals. Check Wiley Hybrid Open Access Journals list. This agreement is capped.**
** A capped agreement means that the University Libraries cannot guarantee that every eligible submission will receive the fee waiver. Authors submitting toward the end of the calendar year may not be presented with a waiver if the allotment has been depleted. The dollar amount or number of waivers for our capped agreements are typically calculated by the average number of submissions or total APCs collected from Texas State University for the previous 1- 3 years.
See also: Where to Publish Your Research guide
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