
We take a team approach to delivering instruction across locations and departments. Librarians work together in disciplinary teams and receive instructional design support from the Teaching & Learning Department. A member of our team will follow up with you after your request is submitted.

To ensure a successful learning experience for your students, we highly recommend that you:

  • Request instruction with a minimum of 3 weeks' notice.
  • Link the instruction to an assignment. When the information is relevant to students’ immediate needs and concerns, they are more likely to recall and be able to use the resources and strategies taught. 
  • Integrate the instruction into your course schedule strategically; students should be made aware of the requirements of the assignment and have had an opportunity to explore potential research topics prior to the session. Students should be given one week to complete tutorials before flipped classroom sessions. 
  • Consider leveraging Canvas assignments and completion points to incentivize student participation, particularly with asynchronous content.   

Instructors are expected to be present during in-person/synchronous Library workshops. It is crucial that instructors be on hand to answer questions about the research assignment if they arise. In addition, experience has shown that students are more engaged when the instructor participates in the session. 

Instructor Information
Course Information

Please submit one request for each course section. 

For University Seminar classes, please see US1100 Tours & Tutorials. For English 1310 & 1320 classes, please see the First Year Research Program

Asynchronous Instruction

Research Tutorials are recommended for every course with research or library-related assignments. This ensures students can refer to content at their point of need. Tutorials can be delivered through various methods, including multiple options in Canvas. See our Instructor's Guide for more information, or consult with your Librarian after they respond to your request.

Research Tutorial topics include: 

  • The Research Process 
  • Turning a Topic into a Research Question*
  • Finding Books (catalog searching) *
  • Finding Articles (database searching) *
  • Notes, Quotes, and Citing
  • Getting Help

*Indicates tutorials end with a worksheet that has students practicing what they learned on their own research.  That worksheet can be exported as a Word document so they can use their work in their class project/paper.

Which type(s) of asynchronous instruction do you prefer for this course? *
Synchronous Instruction
Which type(s) of synchronous instruction do you prefer for this course? *
Fields marked with * are required.